Sunday, June 28, 2020

Love : For-ever or For-never?



Love – isn’t that a beautiful word? Isn’t it a wonderful feeling when you are in love? All those butterflies fluttering in your stomach…your pupil dilating when you see that special someone…your eagerness to meet that one person…you wish that the hands of the clock stay still  and you get  enraptured forever in that moment… Sounds very romantic, right? If you are experiencing all the above, that means you are falling in love or have already fallen in love. But here, the question arises that -are these feelings constant??

I am going to talk about something which we do not tend to discuss in open. It is called “Falling out of love”. I am sure many of us experience this, but we do not speak up about this. Imagine being in love with the person for whom you can go up till any extent just to see them happy, but they just do not seem to give a damn about you. You are no more special to them. You have just become a part of their life and they are living with it. All those promises made at the budding stage of the relationship holds no value now.

It is rightly said that things start to lose their value once you have them. That person forgets about all the efforts that they took to get you. In short, you are now taken for GRANTED. You tell them about your wishes and desires but those really don’t hold any worth anymore. Your wishes are rarely fulfilled and that can be very disheartening.

Cheating is not the only way you may lose interest in your partner. Well, there are more. They are not paying attention to what you say or feel, not being a good listener, not fulfilling the small things that matters the most to you …you can lose affection for her/him forever. We have to understand that everyone has a good day and a bad day and all we really wish during those bad tiresome days, is someone holding us and saying – “It’s going to be alright! We can overcome it together! .“

Life is not that difficult as much as we make it. We complicate it by our inability to comprehend other’s problems. A thing which can seem insignificant to you might mean a lot to your partner and that’s when they show up and tell you about what is bothering them. And what do you do in such a scenario? Instead of understanding, you shut your partner down, you ignore their needs. You get involved in your own life. This can drift your partner away from you. It affects their mental well-being. They start questioning their self worth.

So what do you do when you feel that you are falling out of love? Do you hold on to them or move on with your life? Love is a difficult subject to fathom. You can give them chances and see if they try to change themselves. If not, then it is time to call it off. You have to retrench all that love within your heart for them. After all, YOU should be your first love, and no one is more important than your own mental health.


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